Satan is very tricky and persistent. If he loses one battle, he does not stay down for long. He throws another pitch before you can savor his last defeat.

A little more than a week ago, a problem was discovered on a routine eye exam. I received immediate treatment, but then had a complication that made things very concerning. Satan reminded me constantly of ancient history and tried to convince me history was going to repeat itself.

Fortunately God not only brought physical healing, but He also taught me many “desert lessons.”

After Jesus was anointed for His Ministry, he was led by The Spirit into the desert where He was tested by satan. Jesus passed the test. Whatever the devil served up, Jesus stood firm in quoting The Word.

I had just written a blog posting about the devil. I am sure he hated it. Jay and I had just posted the latest teaching on our You Tube channel. Again I am sure the devil hated it. He tried to strike.

We often find it hard to understand why God would allow satan to strike. But when we read about Job, we find God did allow satan to come against Job. And again, it was The Spirit Who led Jesus into the desert. Why? To be tested. To be refined in The Fire. Jesus knew how to respond to the devil. It took Job awhile.

Sometimes tests occur, not so God can find out what we are made of, but so we can see what we are made of. And when we come to the end of ourselves, when we have nothing more to whine or complain about, when we are out of options and as some people say, “I guess all we can do is pray,” we find God.

We realize we are made by Him and for Him. We find what we are made of is Him.

Today when I saw the doctor, he said everything looked great. He said the prognosis for the future is good. Again I am sure satan was not pleased. And so he had to try another strategy.

Even as I have battled a persistent post nasal drip with cough for months now, I was greatly relieved not to have the flu or any virus. Sometimes having an over active immune system comes in handy.

I had not really panicked about the latest virus scare. I was concerned, but careful.

So today, before the good news was delivered about my eye, I had a very unsettling experience. The waiting room was full. You could tell most everyone was looking at each other as if we each had a machine gun hidden on us. The feelings of doubt, dread and outright fear were palpable.

I sat in my corner and periodically, as the post nasal drip hit, I coughed.

Suddenly the clinical manager came over and said, “Come with me. I need to talk to you.” We followed him to a room where we were “isolated.”. He then asked a series of questions seriously and rapid fire. “Had we recently traveled to a foreign country or been in contact with someone who had?” “Did I have fever?” Etc. Etc. Etc.

He then added another patient had expressed concern about my cough and so he had no choice but to isolate us. I was told I had to stay in the closed room until the doctor was ready to see me, I had to wear a mask, and then I had to leave directly without stopping at the desk to make a followup appointment. He said I could call for any questions or to make appointments.

The doctor wore a mask. His scribe wore a mask. I wore a mask. I was escorted out quickly after receiving the good eye news. And I felt the other patients were viewing me like a sentenced criminal.

By the time I got home, I felt the panic try to rise up. All the fear factor of the past week of eye worries got quickly replaced with worries about what I might have. And yes, by tonight, I am back to believing that as annoying as the cough is, it is not a dread disease. I hear satan’s nasty little voice saying, “Made you look!”

The virus is something to treat with the proper concern. On the one hand, I should be thankful the doctor’s office took proper note of any potential problem that might negatively impact their patients.

But on the other hand, I felt a bit traumatized. I will be glad when we can return to the world of handshakes, hugs, close conversations … and being able to clear my throat without being ostracized and isolated! 😳😱😢

So I am choosing to enjoy the victory of The Gifts The Lord has given and pray for health for all of us. Please join me!

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”

3 John 1:2

About carolynpriesterjones

Follower of Jesus, Seeker of Truth, Commentator on Life, Light Bearer, Water Carrier, one of God's Creations still under construction

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