I have always been a planner, an organizer, a structured person who limited any risk taking ventures.

I have fretted my way through unsettling times by considering all the possible outcomes and how I would handle any one of them.

And yet I find that the most joyous times have been the unplanned, spontaneous moments when I was swept off my feet by Life. Times when I was overtaken with delight. Times when the world around me burst into singing and I was carried along in its harmony.

And then there have been the times of Joy after the pain, certainty after the doubt, restoration after the disaster.

Sometimes we are brave and choose to put one toe in the waves to try it out. But sometimes God provides circumstances that force us to leave our comfort zone.

The baby is pushed out into the world. The chick escapes the egg. The caterpillar emerges from the cocoon as a butterfly. Leaving the place that once was a comfort zone brings new life.

Jesus told His Disciples to cast out into the deep. I wonder what’s out there …

About carolynpriesterjones

Follower of Jesus, Seeker of Truth, Commentator on Life, Light Bearer, Water Carrier, one of God's Creations still under construction

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