img_7381Written on New Years Eve, 2016

Tonight many people will think of what New Years Resolutions they want to make. Many will be based on the failures of the past year. The wiser you that says, ” I won’t make that mistake again.”

Some are based on hope and dreams. The thought that you might actually get something you really want.

Some are based on escaping the fears that try to grip our lives when under the attack of disease or disaster.

We make promises to ourselves and sometimes we share them with others, hoping they will help keep us on the right path.

But it is all too easy to break promises to ourselves and others. We always seem to find reasons to let ourselves out of the deal when the New Years Eve fireworks have all burned out.

(Spoken with regret, as I remember how many Februaries were spent loading up on Valentines Day candy while I was composing my order for Girl Scout cookies!)

This year, I invite you to do something new.

Think of all The Promises God and Jesus made.

Realize they are Promises made to you as well as the ones to whom the words were originally spoken.

Believe it. Claim The Promises!

Ask God what He would like to receive from you as your Promise to Him for now and into 2017.

It may be one thing or it may be more, but know that you are not making a promise to yourself. You are making a Promise to God.

Renew your Promise everyday. If you have somehow gone off track, repent, receive God’s Forgiveness and return to the commitment of your Promise.

Just as rings are exchanged in wedding ceremonies as an outward and visible sign of your commitment, choose something that is a sign to you. It may be a note on your refrigerator, a piece of jewelry, a blanket or any number of things.

Let 2017 begin the year of your faithfulness to God, as you enjoy the wonder of His faithfulness to you!

“See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:19



About carolynpriesterjones

Follower of Jesus, Seeker of Truth, Commentator on Life, Light Bearer, Water Carrier, one of God's Creations still under construction

One response »

  1. Tom Grieb says:

    Thanks Carolyn. I appreciate you challenging your readers, including me, to turn toward God with a promise to him for the coming year.

    God bless,


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